Beaded Shawl

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey again! :)

I figured that I should post up pics of what I have made so far.  Currently I have been knitting a lot of different colored star fish to sell.  The one up above was given away to a little girl while I was on the train to Chicago.  I will be posting a different picture every day as to avoid overdoing the pictures.

Monday, June 27, 2011


I figured the best way to start off this blog is to say hello.  As the title of this blog implies, I am a chic that loves to knit.  My senior year of high school, I taught myself how to knit.  Not only do I knit, but I also sew, crochet and cross stitch.

The focus of my blog will be on knitting.  However, I will take detours once in a while to sewing and crocheting.  I hope that as I grow, my blog here will grow with me.  Not only that, but that whoever reads this will gain something as well.